Security System with Police Response.
FT-Tec IS A Registered company that is able to apply for a Police Response URN (Unique Reference Number) for your property address.

FT-Tec is subject to an independent inspection with SSAIB – As FT-Tec is SSAIB registered it is able to issue a certificate of conformity acceptable to insurance companies – FT-Tec follows a list of police rules for occupiers of premises with alarms and written confirmation and FT-Tec currently acceptable to all police forces for the transmission of alarm messages from new installations –
FT-Tec’s security systems are installed according to British Standard 4737/ BS EN 50131or BS 7042 (high security systems), or, if it is a wire free alarm, BS 6799 Class 6, as amended by BS DD 244 – FT-Tec’s agreements with all our customers include the terms of maintenance and monitoring contracts.
FT-Tec operates a 24 hour call-out service and emergency attendance within four hours
Monitored Systems for Police and Fire Response
Police Response
In accordance with the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) Policy, police in the UK will only offer a response to verified alarm signals from systems which have been granted a Police URN (Unique Reference Number). With this approach, the Police aim to provide an effective response to genuine intruder alarms. Monitored systems can only be installed by certificated providers and must be subject to a maintenance agreement. Excess false alarms will jeopardise Police response. For more detailed information on monitored systems click here.
SSAIB is approved by all UK Police forces, therefore certificated providers can obtain police URNs for the systems they install.
Fire Response
Fire authorities are adopting an approach modelled on the ACPO policy outlined above. To obtain a response from a monitored fire alarm system in the future, it may be necessary to have a URN issued by the fire service and this may only be available to certificated providers. URNs may also be applied to non-monitored fire alarm systems in the future. A maintenance agreement will also be required. Excess false alarms will jeopardise a fire services response.